Android Support Design Widget Textinputlayout. 9242019 TextInputLayout with floating hint animations. Need Help or Code Support.
1292019 Before getting into example we should know what is TextInputLayout in android. TextInputLayout은 design 라이브러리가 있어야 사용 가능합니다. This widget is present starting from the version 2220 of Support Library.
Package androidsupportdesignwidget does not exist.
To use this we have to add the dependency inside the buildgradle inside dependencies. Using TextInputEditText instead of an EditText provides accessibility support for the text field and allows TextInputLayout greater control over the visual aspects of the text field. Ive added this line to my buildgradle file and its made no difference. Dependencies implementation comandroidsupportdesign2800 In this tutorial we will learn how to create Login and Registration form with validation in android.